The Christian Faith
Our faith is the historic Christian faith rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ as given in the Bible. We are committed to holding, teaching and proclaiming this faith. The following is a brief outline of the essentials of the faith:
We believe in one God, the almighty creator and ruler of all (Dt 6.4; Gen 1.1; Ps 90.2; Heb 11.3; 1 Tim 1.17; 6.15-16; Ps 103.19) . Through Jesus Christ he has been revealed as existing in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – each distinct, yet fully God (Mt 28.19; Mk 1.9-11; Jn 14.16; Eph 4.4-6).
We believe in the Father, from whom are all things, and who does all things by his will and according to his purpose (Job 42.2; Eph 1.11; 1 Cor 8.6) . In love he sent his Son into the world to be our saviour (Jn 3.16; 17.3; Rom 8.32; 1 Jn 4.10).
We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who existed eternally with the Father, and through whom all things were created and all of God’s work is done (Jn 1.1-5; 5.19-21; Col 1.15-17; Heb 1.1-3; 1 Cor 8.7). He is fully God, and he became fully human, being born of the virgin, Mary (Jn 1.14; Lk 1.35; Mt 1.20; Phil 2.5-10). He lived an authentic human life yet was without sin (Heb 2.14-17; 2 Cor 5.21).
Jesus was crucified and died for our sins that through his death we might have the forgiveness of sins and be brought into a right relationship with God (Rom 5.6-11; 8.3; 2 Cor 5.14-15, 21; 1 Pet 2.24) .
Jesus was buried and was raised again, creating new life out of death (Rom 6.4-11; 1 Cor 15.20-21; Eph 2.4-6; Col 2.12-13). He appeared to the apostles and sent them to proclaim the gospel to all nations that people might believe in him and be saved (Lk 24.26-49; 1 Cor 15.1-11; Rom 10.14-15).
Jesus ascended to heaven and, together with the Father, sent the Holy Spirit to those who put their faith in him (Jn 7.37-39; 14.12-16; Eph 1.13; Rom 8.9).
We believe in the Holy Spirit, by whom all things were created and all of God’s work is done (Gen 1.2; Ps 104.30; Job 33.4). He indwells believers and leads us to do the will of God against the power of sin (Jn 14.16- 17, 26; 16.13-15; Gal 5.16-17; Rom 8.1-17). He also unites all believers in one body of Christ, the church, and empowers service for God and the witness to Jesus Christ in the world (1 Cor 12.13; Eph 4.4; 1 Cor 12.4-11; Jn 16.7-11; Ac 1.8).
We believe that Jesus will come again to raise all believers into his resurrection and glory (Mt 24.30-31; Mk 13.26-27; 1 Th 4.16-17; 1 Jn 3.2; 1 Cor 15.42-44). He will judge the earth and establish God’s kingdom over all (Mt 25.31-46; 1 Th 1.5-10; 2 Pet 3.7-10; Rev 19.11 – 20.15). And God will bring about a new creation which will never pass away in which he will live with his people through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit forever (2 Pet 3.13; Rev 21.1-4;22.1-5).
The gospel of Jesus Christ embraces the whole Bible and lies at its centre. The entire Old Testament is fulfilled in Christ, and the New Testament is the apostolic witness to Christ and teaching of Christ (Matt 5.17; Luke 24.25-27, 44-49; 1Cor 15.3-4). We affirm that “all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3.16-17). We accept the Scriptures alone and in their entirety as God’s word as both necessary and sufficient for our whole life. The word of Christ given in Scripture brings about faith in us. By faith we receive for ourselves what God has done for us in Christ, and by this faith we live (Rom 10.17; 1.17; Gal 2.20; 5.6).