What to Expect
10:30 am – Worship, word and communion
Children’s program available
9:00 – 10:00 am – Prayer and sharing
10:00 – 10:30 am – Coffee and fellowship
On Sundays at 10:30 am we have an English service in our main auditorium and a Mandarin service in our small auditorium.
Dress is casual but modest.
Our worship music is a blend of contemporary songs and traditional hymns.
Bible readings and references are from contemporary versions and are sometimes (but not always) displayed on screen. We encourage people to carry Bibles (hard copy or on phones) and become familiar with the Bible, though of course that takes time.
An English language children’s program is available during this time for ages 3 to 12. Normally children attend the opening portion of the service with their parents and then leave for their classes. Children and teachers then return for the last (Communion) portion of the service (except preschoolers).