Who We Are
As a Christian church, we proclaim the gospel, or good news, of Jesus Christ, and seek to live by it. Jesus Christ is the centre of God’s word, the Bible. He is the eternal Son of God who became man and provided a relationship with God for mankind through his death and resurrection. To make that relationship real in people he gives the Holy Spirit of God to all who confess their sin and put their faith in him. The Holy Spirit acts within to lead us to follow Jesus in our lives. In this way we enter into the wonder of knowing God as our Father, though the Son and by the Spirit.
In short…
– We emphasize learning the Bible, which is God’s revelation of himself and his salvation in Christ.
– We believe in the importance of worship – to know God is to worship him.
– As Christians grow in Christ, we encourage them to find avenues of service for God.
– We practice the New Testament ordinances, or rites, of believers’ baptism and the Lord’s Supper, or Communion, which we celebrate each week.
– We are involved in, and support, a wide range of Christian outreach, both here and around the world.